The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The program's approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servanthood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being "a servant of all."
As a board, we have heard your concerns about not publishing the names of the people who are going on a walk/flight. However, we have had several questions come up with publishing names, looked into it and have sought legal advice from an attorney.
Legally, we CANNOT publish names on a public site even with consent. There are too many loopholes that if something happened even with consent, it would not stand, because there are so many scenarios that may not be covered on the consent We have to see the bigger picture as a board, it was that this is a legal issue. This is not something our board decided just because, or on a whim because we just thought it up in our heads.
As a board, and Emmaus community, our pilgrims and caterpillars safety should be a priority. They have trusted their sponsors as well as the community to keep them safe and give them the best scenario possible of their 72 hours with God. There are domestic issues as well as custody issues that occur that not everyone knows about.
We are going to look into WAYS to let the Emmaus community ONLY know who the pilgrims are attending the walks. We will try to see if legally there are ways, so please know we will be working on this. However, we will not be sending the names out of Chrysalis minors even to the Emmaus community.
As a community, I hope now you can see why the board had to make this decision. We will be working on ways to let our community know the names of the pilgrims who are on the walk. Please give us time to do so. We hope our Emmaus community understands this decision and we want you to know we are working on your concerns. It is very imperative now more than ever that the sponsors reach out and get letters from several people and that we as a community try our hardest to attend everything during the Emmaus and Chrysalis weekends.
The board has to look at ALL aspects of it and prayerfully make our best decision for EVERYONE involved and sometimes not very popular decisions unfortunately.
We all love our Emmaus community and we understand your concerns. As a board, we will work through this and try to find a legal, safe, and private ways to allow our community to know who is attending a walk.
God bless all of you!!!
The Campbellsville Emmaus Board

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