More than just filling out the paperwork
Download these documents to fill out and submit.
Sponsorship is the lifeblood of each community. We all want a positive weekend to take place and the Pilgrim to start off correctly. Regardless how you were sponsored, we all need to consider how to and whom to sponsor. We really need to focus on the important details of sponsoring a candidate to an Emmaus/Chrysalis event.
First consideration in sponsoring is prayer; you should be in prayer for the individual that God is leading you to approach about the Walk. If married, you should be willing to sponsor both husband and wife. Sponsoring even one person in the nurturing love of the community is a time-consuming activity. Will the added burden of sponsoring another person on the same Walk compromise your ability to be a good sponsor? Perhaps you could obtain someone to co-sponsor in order that all the responsibilities of sponsorship are adequately met.
Who Should you sponsor?
Leaders in your church; those who used to be leaders (but are burned out); quiet leaders (those who work in the background and never seek recognition); your pastor (you need to be in your pastor’s corner rather than cornering your pastor); anyone seeking a closer walk with the Lord.
Who should you NOt Sponsor?
Non-Christians; those with emotional problems (the Walk is not an emotional fix); church hoppers; or those looking for the next “warm fuzzy.”
Remember the Emmaus community is not a church and never meant to be or take the place of the Church. It is a tool to strengthen the Church. Christians share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world and the Walk to Emmaus shares disciplining opportunities with Christians that will strengthen their walk with our Lord.
Any potential candidate/pilgrim who is unable to stay the entire 72 hours of the Walk should be told that he/she should wait until a time when they can stay the entire time.
As sponsors we should be prepared to sponsor the Pilgrims during their 4th days. This means helping them get involved in their church, help them get into a accountability group or help them start one, and to become actively involved in the activities of the Campbellsville Emmaus community. It takes time, effort, and long-term commitment on your part as the sponsor to do these things; you should not expect someone else or "the community" to do this. The time gap between our Walk events is the period when most of the new Pilgrims fall away, primarily because we are so focused on the next Walk that we forget to reach out to disciple those who just joined the community. Maintaining contact and encouragement during this time after the Walk is vital to help them feel as if they belong, and ultimately to the strength of our community.
Campbellsville Emmaus Community Inc.
Attn: Registrar
PO Box 4155
Campbellsville, KY 42719